1st Work
2nd Work
1st Work
Material: olive root.
This crib was exposed in the following exhibitions:
  • "X Rassegna dei Presepi" at the Wohlgemuth fort in Rivoli Veronese, (VR), in 2006
  • "IV Rassegna del presepio Artistico" at the Radetzky’s Room in the artillery barracks of Porta Verona, Peschiera del Garda in 2007
Cribs Between Walls and Castles
A Charming spot between walls and castles obtained carving a single olive root
Material: olive root.
This crib was exposed in the following exhibitions:
  • "Rassegna dei Presepi" in Caselle di Sommacampagna, in 2006
  • "13^ RASSEGNA dei PRESEPI" at the old S. Biagio’s Church , in Bovolone, in 2007